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A system that facilitates the life of people responsible for recruitment and frequent checking of employees' knowledge (e.g. in the field of health and safety or training). Its functionalities include adding tests with division into open, closed and multiple-choice questions, automatic pricing of closed questions, and convenient evaluation of open questions. In addition, clear candidate management that will allow you to use EQ as an independent system for recruitment and daily work in larger companies. The candidate receives clear tests to be solved, thanks to which the knowledge is checked in a reliable way.
Link: https://enterprisequiz.mayeryn.com/
The server module is written in Java , uses frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate . It provides the REST API which is used by the integrator and the website. Modules are secured by jwt token. The web module is written in JavaScript , and the React framework.
A module that allows you to use Enterprise Quizer from one of the most popular ERP solutions - Odoo . The possibilities it gives are assigning to the appropriate test in the EQ, by setting the candidate to the appropriate state in recruitment. After the candidate completes the test, his result is visible in Odoo in the candidate's profile.
When we use integration, we only need to create tests in Enterprise Quizer and evaluate open questions, the rest we can do from the level of Odoo.
Technologies used to create ERP Quiz Integration: Python, Odoo developer tools, XML
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